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martian cat's Marin photoset martian cat's
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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Megumi is on myspace

Today, Meg decided she wanted to join myspace.com.

Here is the address for her web site...


more later...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

having fun with Meg

The other day, I was thinking about how much Meg has changed my life... A long time ago, I heard this phrase and it always stays in my mind.

Then, I had one of my favorite photos of Meg... did something creative with flickr™ and this is the result.


more later...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A reflection of Megumi

Over the past years, I've been taking lots of photos of Meg...

A reflection of Meg

As you can see, she is always full of smiles. It always amazes me that she enjoys having her photo taken. She will actually tip her head as I am trying to eliminate the reflection in her eyes.

So... I made the above reflection to show how she has so much personality...

Now, the best news of all... on flickr™ was... On September 18, 2006,

Meg... made it to Explore

this photo was chosen as #210 on that day's flickr™ Explore. Explore is a showcase of a selection of 500 photos from all over the world.

Thank you for making that day be so special. I know that there are some people who read Meg's blog... some these are the friends that I've made on flickr™... It still amazes me when a photo has so many views... I am still very happy that Meg was showcased.

more later...